St. Mary Catholic School is looking for a few nurturing, energetic, and responsible people to work in our cafeterialunch program. Monday through Fridays from 10:30 AM to 1:45 PM on days when St. Mary Catholic School is in session. Position runs from late-August to mid- June.Applicants who are only interested in working 2-3 days per week will also be considered.The positions are part-time and do NOT include healthcare benefits.Hourly pay starts at $12.00 per hour. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age to be considered for these positions.Please email St. Mary Principal, Gabriela Bala at to apply for these positions.QualificationsRequirements: Required prior to working with students: fingerprinting, background check, and attendance at Protecting God's Children workshop. Physically able to move around room and be on feet for 3+ hours Maintain a positive Christian attitude Be a positive role model for students Show professionalism and strong ethical behavior Follow St. MaryAODhealth department rules Love our students!
Job Title
Part-time Cafeteria/Lunch Personnel