Job Description:Scope and context of occupational health and safety management system Occupational health and safety programmers and planning (including wellbeing) Identification of hazards, opportunities, and assessment of risk Safe operating procedures (safe systems of work) Management and control of manual handling, workstation ergonomics (including DSE), occupational road risk, work at height, lifting operations, pressure systems, hazardous substances, confined space working, electrical hazards, personal protective equipment, psychosocial hazards Permit to work and safe isolation systems Evaluating, engaging & managing contractors / vendors for technical & soft services. Fire safety management (protective and preventative controls) Accident/incident, near miss reporting, investigation and CAPA monitoring. Ill-health monitoring (including absenteeism and presentism) Non-conformance monitoring Monitoring of competence and capability, including behaviours Monitoring of organizational Fire health and safety culture Provide Medical First Aider Liaising with local statutory bodies to ensure the site compliance. BBS Monitoring Involvement in On Site Emergency Plan and Business continuity Plan. Monitoring of OHS & Wellbeing Objective. Monitoring of using the proper face mask, hand gloves and maintaining social distance at workplace. Monitoring those personnel not to share any personal good or objective with each other during work hours Report wellbeing issues to welfare officer.
Job Title
Environmental Health Safety Specialist