Overview Languages English Education Experience On site Work must be completed at the physical location. There is no option to work remotely. Responsibilities Tasks Supervision Additional information Transportation/travel information Personal suitability Employment groups This employer promotes equal employment opportunities for all job applicants, including those self-identifying as a member of these groups: Support for newcomers and refugees Provides diversity and cross-cultural trainings to create a welcoming work environment for newcomers and/or refugees Support for youths Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for youth Support for Indigenous people Provides cultural competency training and/or awareness training to all employees to create a welcoming work environment for Indigenous workers Employment groups - Help Membership in a group is not a job requirement. All interested applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.This employer is committed to providing all job applicants with equal employment opportunities, and promoting inclusion. If you self-identify as a member of any employment group, you are encouraged to indicate it in your application.
Job Title
Retail store supervisor