CA EmploymentAlert | Directeur, Solutions du monde réel (Développement des affaires)/ Director of Rea
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Job Title

Directeur, Solutions du monde réel (Développement des affaires)/ Director of Rea

Company : IQVIA

Location : Mississauga, Ontario

Created : 2025-01-06

Job Type : Full Time

Job Description

PRSENTATION : Lquipe Solutions en situations relles (Real World Solutions) dIQVIA Canada est le principal fournisseur de solutions de gnration de donnes probantes en situation relle, de stratgie, daccs au march, dconomie de la sant et des ETS au Canada. Dans un environnement complexe et en volution rapide, les clients et leurs parties prenantes exigent des solutions de plus en plus rapides, avances et rentables pour optimiser les soins, les rsultats et laccs pour les patients. Dirige par une quipe de directeurs experts et soutenue par un ensemble de consultants talentueux et multidisciplinaires, lquipe a besoin du soutien dun responsable du dveloppement commercial pour amliorer la notorit de nos solutions auprs des clients, gnrer de nouveaux clients potentiels et de nouvelles occasions daffaires, soutenir le lancement de nouvelles offres et de nouvelles technologies sur le march canadien, et guider ces clients potentiels jusqu la proposition, la passation de contrats et le lancement russi, prparant ainsi chaque projet au succs. Quest-ce que le succs? Nous recherchons une personne proactive et nergique qui nest pas seulement un coordonnateur, mais aussi un acteur pratique. Cette personne doit tre prte retrousser ses manches, crer du contenu, diriger des discussions et des prsentations et aider organiser efficacement lquipe. Elle doit avoir une expertise dans son domaine et tre capable de dvelopper de solides relations avec les clients. Une attitude positive est essentielle, car elle ralliera lquipe et interagira avec les clients. Responsabilits Gnration de clients potentiels, sensibilisation et gestion de pipeline Matriser le processus de pipeline doccasions daffaires dans SalesForce et assurer la coordination entre lquipe de ralisation dtudes en situation relle (RWS), les quipes responsables des comptes et le service financier. Agir en tant que principal responsable du dveloppement commercial des clients de la division des donnes probantes en situation relle, y compris les prsentations et les discussions sur les capacits, la gnration de clients potentiels, llaboration de budgets et de propositions pour de nouvelles occasions, la dfense des offres et les activits de rponse aux appels doffres, le soutien la passation de marchs pour les tches nouvellement attribues et la supervision des activits de dmarrage de projet. Diriger lentreprise dans toutes les facettes des tudes en situations relles (RWS) dIQVIA, y compris, mais sans sy limiter, les tudes observationnelles locales, la composante canadienne des tudes non interventionnelles multipays, les tudes observationnelles bases sur des bases de donnes, les tudes hybrides en centres et enrichies par des bases de donnes, les tudes dinnocuit ou defficacit aprs autorisation, les tudes destines directement aux patients, la modlisation de lconomie de la sant, les soumissions dvaluation des technologies de la sant, laccs au march et les solutions stratgiques. Se concentrer sur le soutien dtudes importantes et complexes avec un soutien supplmentaire pour orienter les oprations restantes vers les consultants principaux appropris. laboration de propositions et dfense des offres Sappuyer sur les experts mdicaux, scientifiques, daccs au march, de stratgie, dconomie de la sant et de donnes en situation relle dIQVIA pour dterminer la conception optimale de la solution et diriger une quipe interfonctionnelle dans llaboration de la proposition jusquau dmarrage du projet. La personne qui occupe ce poste est la principale plume pour les propositions complexes et devra produire du nouveau contenu, des visuels, des tableaux et du texte. Atteindre ou dpasser les nouveaux objectifs commerciaux assigns en dveloppant et en fournissant des solutions perspicaces et valeur ajoute qui rpondent aux problmes complexes des clients. Renforcer la crdibilit auprs des clients en dveloppant des relations avec des partenaires de confiance. Sapproprier le dveloppement de solutions centres sur le client, en concevant des approches stratgiques et mthodologiques pour garantir quIQVIA scurise les projets des clients. La personne titulaire du poste soutient la stratgie du projet, la conception et lapproche de la mthodologie, la supervision du dmarrage du projet et veille ce que le projet soit mis en place pour fournir des niveaux levs de qualit et de valeur ajoute, en collaboration avec les quipes de ltude. Lobjectif du poste est de faire connatre les tudes observationnelles locales, mais le candidat ou la candidate est responsable du soutien lensemble des solutions dtudes en situation relle (RWS) et doit aider les clients concevoir et proposer lapproche optimale de manire consultative, en collaboration avec les responsables. Marketing et leadership clair Agir en tant que responsable et coordonnateur de la stratgie et de lexcution du marketing des RWS, du leadership clair et de la communication avec les clients. Contribuer une meilleure notorit dIQVIA sur le march, par exemple travers des allocutions, des rencontres clients, des publications, des rseaux sociaux, etc. Planifier et coordonner les activits de confrence de lquipe, y compris la participation aux confrences et la budgtisation, les affiches, les prsentations sur podium, les groupes de discussion et les mdias sociaux complmentaires. Soutenir le marketing et la gnration de clients potentiels au moyen des livres blancs, des webinaires clients, de la page Web dIQVIA RWS Canada et dautres activits connexes. Grer la prsence de lquipe sur les rseaux sociaux, notamment en dveloppant et en excutant une stratgie de sensibilisation LinkedIn, en rdigeant du contenu et en crant un rythme constant de contenu significatif en ligne pour engager les clients. tre responsable et grer les listes de distribution valides de lquipe. Soutenir le lancement de nouvelles solutions, technologies et autres offres sur le march. Le candidat idal ou la candidate idale sera laise pour prendre la parole lors de groupes de discussion et de confrences afin de prsenter les derniers sujets et capacits, ou pour animer des dbats dexperts. Dfinition du champ dapplication des nouvelles activits Le candidat retenu ou la candidate retenue sengagera toujours avec les clients sur leurs besoins et problmes actuels et futurs, et les associera aux solutions potentielles de lorganisation IQVIA locale et mondiale. Lancement, transition et dbordement du projet Grer le dmarrage du projet et la mise en place des quipes de prestation afin de sassurer que les projets sont en bonne voie de russite et quils peuvent tre livrs dans le respect des spcifications de conception. Jouer un rle actif de supervision dans le dmarrage du projet et agir en tant que point de remonte lchelon suprieur pour le client au cours de la phase initiale du projet et jusqu son dmarrage. Veiller ce que le transfert aux quipes de prestation soit effectu de manire efficace et transparente pendant cette phase de transfert. Lorsque ncessaire, contribuer la supervision et lexcution des projets. Bien quil ne sagisse pas de sa responsabilit principale, il est attendu du responsable du dveloppement commercial quil ou elle ait une connaissance et une exprience pratiques des travaux du projet et puisse soutenir lquipe pendant les priodes intenses. Dveloppement de lquipe Contribuer la constitution de lquipe, y compris aux entretiens, au mentorat et la formation des dbutants, ainsi quaux activits visant motiver et fidliser le personnel et partager lexpertise en la matire avec dautres personnes afin damliorer nos capacits fournir des solutions de classe mondiale aux clients. Exprience Au moins 7 ans dexprience directe dans la conduite dtudes en situation relles, de phase avance ou de bases de donnes. Exprience pralable en conseil ou en service client. Antcdents en matire dengagement client et exprience dmontre dans lengagement avec les clients en relation avec de nouvelles occasions daffaires. Comptences, atouts, aptitudes : Solides connaissances scientifiques, en particulier autour des mthodologies de recherche sur les rsultats rtrospectifs et prospectifs. Fort engagement client, rflexion stratgique et comptences consultatives. Solides comptences en leadership, en prsentation et en organisation. Comprhension du paysage canadien des soins de sant, y compris les sources de donnes, laccs au march et lconomie de la sant. Apporte un ensemble tabli de relations au sein de lindustrie pharmaceutique. Autonomie et proactivit. Le bilinguisme (franais et anglais) est un atout. Doit avoir le permis de conduire. Dplacements : jusqu 30 % (Grand Montral et Toronto). Vous devrez travailler directement avec des dpartements, des quipes, des fonctions de support et des parties prenantes d'IQVIA situs partout au Canada et travers le monde, par consquent, une connaissance fonctionnelle de l'anglais, tant l'crit qu' l'oral, est ncessaire l'exercice des fonctions de ce poste. Comme nos quipes de recrutement sont mondiales, veuillez soumettre votre CV en anglais et en franais. OVERVIEW: The IQVIA Canada Real World Solutions team is the industry leading provider of Real World Evidence generation, Strategy, Market Access, Health Economics and HTA solutions in Canada. In a fast-paced, highly evolving and complex environment, clients and their stakeholders are demanding increasingly speedy, advanced and cost-effective solutions to optimize care, outcomes and access for patients. Led by a team of expert Principals, and supported by a talented, multidisciplinary set of consultants, the team requires the support of a Business Development lead to improve awareness of our solutions with clients, generate new leads and opportunities, support the launch of new offerings and technologies into the Canadian marketplace, and guide those leads through to proposal, contracting and successful kickoff, setting each project up for success. What is success? We are seeking a proactive and energetic individual who is not just a coordinator but also a hands-on doer. This person should be willing to roll up their sleeves, build content, lead discussions and presentations, and help organize the team effectively. They should have expertise in their area and be able to develop strong client relationships. A positive attitude is essential, as they will be rallying the team and interacting with clients. Responsibilities Lead Generation, Outreach and Pipeline Management Own the opportunity pipeline process in SalesForce and coordinate between RWS delivery team, account teams, and finance. Act as primary owner of Real World Evidence client business development including capabilities presentations and discussions, lead generation, development of budgets and proposals for new opportunities, bid defense and RFP response activities, supporting contracting of newly awarded work and overseeing project start-up activities. Driving the business across all facets of IQVIA RWS, including, but not limited to, Local Country Observational Studies, Canadas component of Multi-Country Non-Interventional Studies, Database-driven Observational Studies, Hybrid Site & Database Enriched Studies, Post Authorization Safety or Efficacy Studies, Direct-to-Patient Studies, Health Economics Modelling, Health Technology Assessment Submissions, Market Access, and Strategic Solutions. Focus on supporting large and complex studies with supplemental support in funneling remaining business to appropriate consultant Principals. Proposal Development & Bid Defense Leverage IQVIA medical, scientific, market access, strategy, health economics, and real-world data experts to determine optimal solution design and lead a cross functional team in proposal development through project start-up. This role serves as the primary pen on complex proposals, and will be expected to generate new content, visuals, tables and text. Meet or exceed assigned new business targets by developing and delivering insightful, value-added solutions that address complex client issues. Build credibility across clients through developing trusted partner relationships. Take ownership of developing client-centric solutions, designing both strategic and methodological approaches to ensure that IQVIA secures client projects. The role supports project strategy, methodology design & approach, oversight of project start-up, and ensuring the project is set up to deliver high levels of quality/added value, in collaboration with the study teams. The focus of the role is on raising awareness of local country observation studies, but the candidate is responsible for supporting across the full range of RWS solutions and is expected to support clients in designing and putting forward the optimal approach in a consultative manner, in collaboration with the Principals. Marketing & Thought Leadership Act as the owner and coordinator of RWS marketing strategy and execution, thought leadership and client outreach. Contribute to the enhanced awareness of IQVIA in the market place, e.g. through speaking engagements, client meetings, publications, social media, etc. Plan and coordinate the teams conference activities, including conference attendance and budgeting, posters, podium presentations, panels, and complementary social media. Support marketing, and lead generation through white papers, client webinars, IQVIA RWS Canada webpage, and other related activities. Manage the teams social media presence, including developing and executing a LinkedIn outreach strategy, drafting content, and creating a steady drumbeat of meaningful content online to engage clients. Own and manage the teams validated distribution lists. Supporting the launch of new solutions, technologies, and other offerings to market. A strong candidate will be comfortable taking the stage at panels and conferences to present on the latest topics and capabilities, or moderate panel discussions. New Business Scoping The successful candidate will always be engaging with clients on their current and future needs, issues and problems, and match those with potential solutions from the local and global IQVIA organization. Project Kickoff, Transition & Overflow Manage project startup and set up of delivery teams to ensure that they are set up for success and can be delivered within the design specification. Play an active, oversight role in project start-up and act as senior point of escalation for the client during this initial project phase through project start-up. Ensure handover to delivery teams is conducted effectively and seamlessly during this handover phase. When necessary, contribute to the oversight and execution of projects. While this is not a primary responsibility, it is expected that the BD lead will have hands-on knowledge and experience of the project work and be able to support the team during peak periods. Team Development Contribute to team building including interviewing, mentoring and training juniors and activities to motivate and retain staff and share subject matter expertise with others to elevate our capabilities to deliver world class solutions for clients. Experience 7+ years direct experience in the conduct of real world evidence, late phase or database studies. Prior experience in consulting or client services. Track record of customer engagement and demonstrated experience in engaging with clients in relation to new business opportunities. Skills, Assets, Qualifications: Strong scientific knowledge, particularly around retrospective and prospective outcomes research methodologies. Strong client engagement, strategic thinking and consultative skillset. Strong leadership, presentation and organizational skills. Understanding of the Canadian healthcare landscape, including data sources, market access, and health economics. Brings an established set of relationships within the Pharma industry. Self-starter, autonomous & proactive. Bilingual (French and English) an asset. Must have drivers license. Travel: up to 30% (Greater Montreal & Toronto). Vous devrez travailler directement avec des dpartements, des quipes, des fonctions de support et des parties prenantes d'IQVIA situs partout au Canada et travers le monde, par consquent, une connaissance fonctionnelle de l'anglais, tant l'crit qu' l'oral, est ncessaire l'exercice des fonctions de ce poste. Comme nos quipes de recrutement sont mondiales, veuillez soumettre votre CV en anglais et en franais. OVERVIEW: The IQVIA Canada Real World Solutions team is the industry leading provider of Real World Evidence generation, Strategy, Market Access, Health Economics and HTA solutions in Canada. In a fast-paced, highly evolving and complex environment, clients and their stakeholders are demanding increasingly speedy, advanced and cost-effective solutions to optimize care, outcomes and access for patients. Led by a team of expert Principals, and supported by a talented, multidisciplinary set of consultants, the team requires the support of a Business Development lead to improve awareness of our solutions with clients, generate new leads and opportunities, support the launch of new offerings and technologies into the Canadian marketplace, and guide those leads through to proposal, contracting and successful kickoff, setting each project up for success. What is success? We are seeking a proactive and energetic individual who is not just a coordinator but also a hands-on doer. This person should be willing to roll up their sleeves, build content, lead discussions and presentations, and help organize the team effectively. They should have expertise in their area and be able to develop strong client relationships. A positive attitude is essential, as they will be rallying the team and interacting with clients. Responsibilities Lead Generation, Outreach and Pipeline Management Own the opportunity pipeline process in SalesForce and coordinate between RWS delivery team, account teams, and finance. Act as primary owner of Real World Evidence client business development including capabilities presentations and discussions, lead generation, development of budgets and proposals for new opportunities, bid defense and RFP response activities, supporting contracting of newly awarded work and overseeing project start-up activities. Driving the business across all facets of IQVIA RWS, including, but not limited to, Local Country Observational Studies, Canadas component of Multi-Country Non-Interventional Studies, Database-driven Observational Studies, Hybrid Site & Database Enriched Studies, Post Authorization Safety or Efficacy Studies, Direct-to-Patient Studies, Health Economics Modelling, Health Technology Assessment Submissions, Market Access, and Strategic Solutions. Focus on supporting large and complex studies with supplemental support in funneling remaining business to appropriate consultant Principals. Proposal Development & Bid Defense Leverage IQVIA medical, scientific, market access, strategy, health economics, and real-world data experts to determine optimal solution design and lead a cross functional team in proposal development through project start-up. This role serves as the primary pen on complex proposals, and will be expected to generate new content, visuals, tables and text. Meet or exceed assigned new business targets by developing and delivering insightful, value-added solutions that address complex client issues. Build credibility across clients through developing trusted partner relationships. Take ownership of developing client-centric solutions, designing both strategic and methodological approaches to ensure that IQVIA secures client projects. The role supports project strategy, methodology design & approach, oversight of project start-up, and ensuring the project is set up to deliver high levels of quality/added value, in collaboration with the study teams. The focus of the role is on raising awareness of local country observation studies, but the candidate is responsible for supporting across the full range of RWS solutions and is expected to support clients in designing and putting forward the optimal approach in a consultative manner, in collaboration with the Principals. Marketing & Thought Leadership Act as the owner and coordinator of RWS marketing strategy and execution, thought leadership and client outreach. Contribute to the enhanced awareness of IQVIA in the market place, e.g. through speaking engagements, client meetings, publications, social media, etc. Plan and coordinate the teams conference activities, including conference attendance and budgeting, posters, podium presentations, panels, and complementary social media. Support marketing, and lead generation through white papers, client webinars, IQVIA RWS Canada webpage, and other related activities. Manage the teams social media presence, including developing and executing a LinkedIn outreach strategy, drafting content, and creating a steady drumbeat of meaningful content online to engage clients. Own and manage the teams validated distribution lists. Supporting the launch of new solutions, technologies, and other offerings to market. A strong candidate will be comfortable taking the stage at panels and conferences to present on the latest topics and capabilities, or moderate panel discussions. New Business Scoping The successful candidate will always be engaging with clients on their current and future needs, issues and problems, and match those with potential solutions from the local and global IQVIA organization. Project Kickoff, Transition & Overflow Manage project startup and set up of delivery teams to ensure that they are set up for success and can be delivered within the design specification. Play an active, oversight role in project start-up and act as senior point of escalation for the client during this initial project phase through project start-up. Ensure handover to delivery teams is conducted effectively and seamlessly during this handover phase. When necessary, contribute to the oversight and execution of projects. While this is not a primary responsibility, it is expected that the BD lead will have hands-on knowledge and experience of the project work and be able to support the team during peak periods. Team Development Contribute to team building including interviewing, mentoring and training juniors and activities to motivate and retain staff and share subject matter expertise with others to elevate our capabilities to deliver world class solutions for clients. Experience 7+ years direct experience in the conduct of real world evidence, late phase or database studies. Prior experience in consulting or client services. Track record of customer engagement and demonstrated experience in engaging with clients in relation to new business opportunities. Skills, Assets, Qualifications: Strong scientific knowledge, particularly around retrospective and prospective outcomes research methodologies. Strong client engagement, strategic thinking and consultative skillset. Strong leadership, presentation and organizational skills. Understanding of the Canadian healthcare landscape, including data sources, market access, and health economics. Brings an established set of relationships within the Pharma industry. Self-starter, autonomous & proactive. Bilingual (French and English) an asset. Must have drivers license. Travel: up to 30% (Greater Montreal & Toronto). Vous devrez travailler directement avec des dpartements, des quipes, des fonctions de support et des parties prenantes d'IQVIA situs partout au Canada et travers le monde, par consquent, une connaissance fonctionnelle de l'anglais, tant l'crit qu' l'oral, est ncessaire l'exercice des fonctions de ce poste. Comme nos quipes de recrutement sont mondiales, veuillez soumettre votre CV en anglais et en franais. OVERVIEW: The IQVIA Canada Real World Solutions team is the industry leading provider of Real World Evidence generation, Strategy, Market Access, Health Economics and HTA solutions in Canada. In a fast-paced, highly evolving and complex environment, clients and their stakeholders are demanding increasingly speedy, advanced and cost-effective solutions to optimize care, outcomes and access for patients. Led by a team of expert Principals, and supported by a talented, multidisciplinary set of consultants, the team requires the support of a Business Development lead to improve awareness of our solutions with clients, generate new leads and opportunities, support the launch of new offerings and technologies into the Canadian marketplace, and guide those leads through to proposal, contracting and successful kickoff, setting each project up for success. What is success? We are seeking a proactive and energetic individual who is not just a coordinator but also a hands-on doer. This person should be willing to roll up their sleeves, build content, lead discussions and presentations, and help organize the team effectively. They should have expertise in their area and be able to develop strong client relationships. A positive attitude is essential, as they will be rallying the team and interacting with clients. Responsibilities Lead Generation, Outreach and Pipeline Management Own the opportunity pipeline process in SalesForce and coordinate between RWS delivery team, account teams, and finance. Act as primary owner of Real World Evidence client business development including capabilities presentations and discussions, lead generation, development of budgets and proposals for new opportunities, bid defense and RFP response activities, supporting contracting of newly awarded work and overseeing project start-up activities. Driving the business across all facets of IQVIA RWS, including, but not limited to, Local Country Observational Studies, Canadas component of Multi-Country Non-Interventional Studies, Database-driven Observational Studies, Hybrid Site & Database Enriched Studies, Post Authorization Safety or Efficacy Studies, Direct-to-Patient Studies, Health Economics Modelling, Health Technology Assessment Submissions, Market Access, and Strategic Solutions. Focus on supporting large and complex studies with supplemental support in funneling remaining business to appropriate consultant Principals. Proposal Development & Bid Defense Leverage IQVIA medical, scientific, market access, strategy, health economics, and real-world data experts to determine optimal solution design and lead a cross functional team in proposal development through project start-up. This role serves as the primary pen on complex proposals, and will be expected to generate new content, visuals, tables and text. Meet or exceed assigned new business targets by developing and delivering insightful, value-added solutions that address complex client issues. Build credibility across clients through developing trusted partner relationships. Take ownership of developing client-centric solutions, designing both strategic and methodological approaches to ensure that IQVIA secures client projects. The role supports project strategy, methodology design & approach, oversight of project start-up, and ensuring the project is set up to deliver high levels of quality/added value, in collaboration with the study teams. The focus of the role is on raising awareness of local country observation studies, but the candidate is responsible for supporting across the full range of RWS solutions and is expected to support clients in designing and putting forward the optimal approach in a consultative manner, in collaboration with the Principals. Marketing & Thought Leadership Act as the owner and coordinator of RWS marketing strategy and execution, thought leadership and client outreach. Contribute to the enhanced awareness of IQVIA in the market place, e.g. through speaking engagements, client meetings, publications, social media, etc. Plan and coordinate the teams conference activities, including conference attendance and budgeting, posters, podium presentations, panels, and complementary social media. Support marketing, and lead generation through white papers, client webinars, IQVIA RWS Canada webpage, and other related activities. Manage the teams social media presence, including developing and executing a LinkedIn outreach strategy, drafting content, and creating a steady drumbeat of meaningful content online to engage clients. Own and manage the teams validated distribution lists. Supporting the launch of new solutions, technologies, and other offerings to market. A strong candidate will be comfortable taking the stage at panels and conferences to present on the latest topics and capabilities, or moderate panel discussions. New Business Scoping The successful candidate will always be engaging with clients on their current and future needs, issues and problems, and match those with potential solutions from the local and global IQVIA organization. Project Kickoff, Transition & Overflow Manage project startup and set up of delivery teams to ensure that they are set up for success and can be delivered within the design specification. Play an active, oversight role in project start-up and act as senior point of escalation for the client during this initial project phase through project start-up. Ensure handover to delivery teams is conducted effectively and seamlessly during this handover phase. When necessary, contribute to the oversight and execution of projects. While this is not a primary responsibility, it is expected that the BD lead will have hands-on knowledge and experience of the project work and be able to support the team during peak periods. Team Development Contribute to team building including interviewing, mentoring and training juniors and activities to motivate and retain staff and share subject matter expertise with others to elevate our capabilities to deliver world class solutions for clients. Experience 7+ years direct experience in the conduct of real world evidence, late phase or database studies. Prior experience in consulting or client services. Track record of customer engagement and demonstrated experience in engaging with clients in relation to new business opportunities. Skills, Assets, Qualifications: Strong scientific knowledge, particularly around retrospective and prospective outcomes research methodologies. Strong client engagement, strategic thinking and consultative skillset. Strong leadership, presentation and organizational skills. Understanding of the Canadian healthcare landscape, including data sources, market access, and health economics. Brings an established set of relationships within the Pharma industry. Self-starter, autonomous & proactive. Bilingual (French and English) an asset. Must have drivers license. Travel: up to 30% (Greater Montreal & Toronto). Vous devrez travailler directement avec des dpartements, des quipes, des fonctions de support et des parties prenantes d'IQVIA situs partout au Canada et travers le monde, par consquent, une connaissance fonctionnelle de l'anglais, tant l'crit qu' l'oral, est ncessaire l'exercice des fonctions de ce poste. Comme nos quipes de recrutement sont mondiales, veuillez soumettre votre CV en anglais et en franais. IQVIA est fire d'tre un employeur offrant l'galit des chances et nous nous engageons crer un environnement diversifi et inclusif. Nous ne pratiquons aucune discrimination fonde sur la base de tout motif de discrimination interdit applicable, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la race, la religion, la couleur, l'origine nationale, le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, l'ge, l'tat civil ou le handicap. Des accommodements pour les candidats avec un handicap sont disponibles toutes les tapes du processus de recrutement, sur demande. Si vous avez une dficience physique ou un handicap ncessitant un accommodement, nous vous encourageons le divulguer lors du processus de recrutement afin qu'IQVIA puisse vous accommoder de manire approprie. IQVIA est l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux d'analyses avances, de solutions technologiques et de services de recherche clinique pour l'industrie des sciences de la vie. Nous tenons repousser les limites de la science humaine et de la science des donnes pour avoir le plus grand impact possible - pour aider nos clients crer un monde plus sain. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site IQVIA is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. We do not discriminate on the basis of any applicable prohibited ground of discrimination, including but not limited to race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability. Accommodations for applicants with disabilities are available at all stages of the recruitment process upon request. If you have a physical impairment or a disability that requires an accommodation, we encourage you to disclose this during the recruiting process so that IQVIA can appropriately accommodate you. IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and clinical research services to the life sciences industry. We believe in pushing the boundaries of human science and data science to make the biggest impact possible to help our customers create a healthier world. Learn more at #J-18808-Ljbffr