Job Search Burnout Ailing You? Here’s the Cure

job search burnoutLooking for a job, coupled with the stress of being unemployed, can be exhausting.  Many job seekers experience periods where they begin to feel hopeless and overwhelmed.  A few bad interviews, a long period of sending out resumes and getting no response, and watching the bills pile up in the meantime can leave anyone with a case of job search burnout.   The fact is, there is always hope, and sometimes things don’t happen exactly how and when we expected them to.  To regain energy and hope, here are some steps you can take to recover from job search burnout emotionally, mentally and physically:

1)  Create a Routine

Carve out a specific block of time each day or a couple of days a week to send out job applications.  Be strategic in selecting the companies and positions you are applying for, making sure they are in line with your goals and qualifications.  Once that block of time is up, step away from the computer.  When you start sending tons of resumes aimlessly, you will only waste time and stress yourself out more.  That’s when job search burnout is likely to set it.

2)  Utilize Technology

There are numerous ways you can utilize software to save you time and prevent job search burnout.  First, instead of spending hours on end scrolling through job postings online, sign up on online job boards to have automated searches for specific job titles emailed to you.  Second, see if you can create an online portfolio using software platforms such as WordPress and Contently for any writing samples or visual content you typically send to hiring managers.  This will save you time browsing through files and attaching multiple documents when sending them.  It will also make you look more professional to potential employers.  Third, prevent job search fatigue by creating templates for your cover letter and other email messages that you send to hiring managers on a regular basis.  Since much of the content is likely to be similar, you can just edit the specifics such as the job title, name of the company, certain skills, etc.  Just be sure to thoroughly edit the letter each time before sending it.

3)  Start Interacting Face to Face

Spending too much time in front of the computer in your job search can easily start making your feel isolated and hopeless and lead to burnout.  Change it up and start networking with people face to face.  See if there are any high school or college alumni networking events you can attend, or local career fairs.   Also check out websites such as Meetup and Eventbrite to see if there are any gatherings in your area for professionals in the industry you want to work in.  Have an elevator pitch prepared (a statement about yourself that sums up your skills and how they will benefit the employer in 30 seconds or less) to use with certain professionals you meet.  But constantly selling yourself can lead to job search burnout as well, so don’t be afraid to strike up more informal conversations about other interests with people as well if it feels right.

4)  Learn to Say No and Make Time for Yourself

When you aren’t working, it’s easy to take on the role of being everybody’s helper.  But you are only one person, and job searching can be a full-time job in itself.  If you are experiencing job search burnout, take a break from aggravating household projects and running errands for other people.   Plan something fun for yourself instead, as a reward for the progress you are making in your job search.

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

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