5 of the Fastest Growing Jobs in America for 2018

the fastest growing jobs in AmericaIt’s a jobseeker’s market, with the unemployment rate at a 16 year low of 4.1%, and the number of jobs expected to grow in 2018 thanks to the tax stimulus and an overall improving economy.  At the end of 2017 there was an estimated 5.8 million job openings in the United States.  If you are in search of a new career, there are plenty of opportunities out there.  So which career fields are growing the most rapidly, and which jobs have the highest demand?  Here is a list of five of the fastest growing jobs in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

1)  Home Health Aide

As of 2016, there were almost 3 million job openings for home health aides, making this one of the career fields growing most rapidly in America.  Jobs are expected to grow a whopping 41% between 2016 and 2026 according to BLS.  The only education required is a high school diploma and possible certification, so qualifying for this job shouldn’t be too difficult.  As a home health aide, you will provide at-home care to the elderly, disabled and chronically ill.  Basic duties involve observing patients’ conditions and reporting changes, administering medication, and helping with the patient’s daily routines such as eating, bathing and brushing teeth.  You also may need to perform basic housekeeping duties, run errands and take patients to doctor’s appointments.  The average annual salary for home health aides is approximately $23,000.

Home health aide jobs in New York, NY

Home health aide jobs in San Francisco, CA

2)  Software Developer

Software is constantly changing and improving, and the demand for it is always on the rise, making this one of the fastest growing jobs in America in 2018.  As of 2016, there were about 1,250,000 job openings for software developers.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects jobs to grow 24% between 2016 and 2026.  To pursue a career as a software developer, you will need a bachelor’s degree, a familiarity with computers and technology, and good math skills.   Software developers create computer programs and the systems that operate technological devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.  They also write program codes, test software and analyze software user needs.  The average annual salary for software developers is an attractive $102,000.

Software developer jobs in New York, NY

Software developer jobs in San Francisco, CA

3)  Phlebotomist

Another one of the career fields growing most rapidly is phlebotomist.  These are the professionals who draw blood from patient and preparing them for laboratory testing for various diseases and health issues, or for research or blood donations.  As of 2016, there were about 123,000 phlebotomist job openings.  As one of the fastest growing jobs in America, the BLS estimates phlebotomy jobs to grow 25% between 2016 and 2026.  All that is required to launch a career as phlebotomist is a high school diploma and a professional certification in phlebotomy.  The average annual salary for phlebotomists is about $33,000.

Phlebotomist jobs in New York, NY

Phlebotomist jobs in San Francisco, CA

4)  Physical Therapist

If you are willing to pursue a doctorate or master’s degree, physical therapy is one of the fastest growing jobs in America you may want to consider.  Physical therapists diagnose patients suffering from physical pain, injuries and illnesses and help them recover.  They help treat physical pain and improve movement.  There were 240,000 job openings for physical therapists as of 2016, and the BLS expects an enormous 28% job growth between 2016 and 2026.  The average annual salary for physical therapists is approximately $86,000, making this one of the highest paying jobs on our list.

Physical therapist jobs in New York, NY

Physical therapist jobs in San Francisco, CA

5)  Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is another one of the career fields growing most rapidly that doesn’t require a high level of education.  All you need is a high school diploma and license or certification.  Massage therapists use touch to manipulate, loosen and heal joints, muscles and soft tissues in the body.  With the use of massage, they are able to relieve stress, increase range of motion, reduce pain and improve circulation.  There were over 160,000 massage therapy job openings in 2016, and the BLS estimates a high job growth of 26% between 2016 and 2026.  The pay isn’t bad either, with an average annual salary of about $40,000.

Massage therapist jobs in New York, NY

Massage therapist jobs in San Francisco, CA

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

5 of the Fastest Growing Jobs in America for 2018
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5 of the Fastest Growing Jobs in America for 2018
So which career fields are growing the most rapidly in 2018, and which jobs have the highest demand? Here is a list of five of the fastest growing jobs in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 1) Home Health Aide 2) Software Developer 3) Phlebotomist…
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