Get Yourself Noticed: Signs You are Ready for a Promotion

signs you are ready for a promotionLooking to move up in your company, but not sure where to start?  Before you ask for a promotion, it’s important to make sure you are doing everything you can do to show you are a valued employee who is ready for more responsibility.  Your boss may already be looking for signs you are ready for a promotion.  Even if you are working as hard as you possibly can, you may not be focusing on the right things, or your efforts could be going unnoticed.  Here are some tips for getting promoted at work:

1)  Pay close attention to directions

To be promotion material, it’s important to show you are a good listener and only need to be given instructions once.  When you are asked to do something, take notes and think of any further questions that need to be asked right when you are given instructions.

2)  Present solutions, not just problems

It’s important to make your boss aware of any problems you are having that are interfering with your ability to do your job, or issues you notice that are affecting the company in a detrimental way.  One of the tips for getting promoted at work is to think of solutions to these problems before presenting them to your boss.  This will show that you think ahead, which is one of the signs managers look for to determine if you are ready for a promotion.

3)  Don’t be a complainer

Who’s going to want to promote an employee that disseminates negative energy around the office, complains about every little thing and can’t go with the flow?  Promotable employees are the ones that set a positive example for others in the workplace.  One of the most effective tips for getting promoted is to smile, be pleasant, and not let little things bring down your mood.

4)  Show You are a Team Player

If you are already part of a team project, make sure you are always doing your part and making noticeable contributions.  Always hold up your end of the deal and don’t let your responsibilities become a burden on others.  Also, pay attention to what projects are going on in the office, see where you could best contribute and offer your help.   Taking initiative is one of the most signs you are ready for a promotion that managers commonly look for.

5)  Prioritize Effectively

You can put in all the long hours you want, but if you aren’t making the best use of your time and taking care of what is most important, it won’t matter to your boss.  One of the tips for getting promoted at work that many employees aren’t aware of is to show you are able to determine what is most important and what can be put aside for another day.  If you aren’t sure about the importance of something, ask your boss.  Over time it will become easier to identify high-priority tasks on your own.

6)  Engage with Your Co-Workers

Along with being a team player, one of the signs that you are ready for a promotion is that you are at ease with your co-workers and fit well into the company culture.   Don’t miss company parties and events, and get conversations going with co-workers at the office too.  Ask everyone at work how they are doing, and reach out to co-workers on anniversaries and birthdays.  The more people in your company like you, the easier it will be to get promoted.

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

Get Yourself Noticed: Signs You are Ready for a Promotion
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Get Yourself Noticed: Signs You are Ready for a Promotion
Before you ask for a promotion, it’s important to make sure you are doing everything you can do to show you are a valued employee who is ready for more responsibility. Your boss may already be looking for signs you are ready for a promotion. Here are some tips for getting promoted at work.
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