What Interviewers Want to Hear from a Job Candidate

what interviewers want to hearIf you get called for an interview, its’ obvious the potential employer thinks you have qualifications that will enable you to do the job in question.  But seeing it on your resume is one thing, now they want to see it up close.   This is your opportunity to sell yourself and demonstrate why you are not only qualified, but the most qualified candidate for the job.  To do this effectively, you need to know the specific characteristics interviewers look for, and be sure that you demonstrate them clearly to hiring managers.  You never know who else is vying for the job, and you want to make the most of the one interview you have.  Here’s what interviewers want to hear:

1)  You are prepared

Almost all hiring managers are looking to see if you have done your research on the company.  You should demonstrate your knowledge about their products, mission statement, history, community involvement and names of some staff members you may report to if you landed the job in question.  Also come to the interview with questions prepared around these topics.  This will show your interest in the organization and your ability to be prepared, which is one of the characteristics interviewers look for.   You should also be ready to not only explain your skills and strengths, but give specific examples from the past where you demonstrated these skills in an effective way.  This shows you have put thought into your ability to perform the job.

2)  You are not only qualified, but fit for the job

What interviewers want to hear goes way beyond your qualifications.  For example, if you are applying for a computer programming job, you probably meet the qualifications such as the ability to code, software certifications, etc.  Hiring managers can see these qualifications on your resume, but it’s harder to see how well you fit into their company until the interview.   Some of the characteristics interviewers look for that will make you a good fit for their company include being agreeable, willing to learn, and having the ability to admit when you’ve made a mistake or don’t know something. You can have all the qualifications in the world, but if you can’t work well in a team or can’t take constructive criticism, you won’t be able to perform the job effectively.   In the interview, do your best to showcase these qualities that will make you a great fit for the company.

3)  You are a Good Listener

The organization wants to hire someone to relieve their workload.  This means they don’t want to have to continue to worry if the job is getting done once they are paying someone to do it.  What interviewers want to hear is that you listen to and follow instructions.  They want to feel confident they won’t have to micromanage and remind you numerous times to complete the same task.  Pay close attention to what is said in the interview, as well as any instructions you are given beforehand.

4)  You are Honest

It’s going to be difficult to show your best self in an interview if you are trying to hide things such as getting fired from a past job or are embellishing past jobs to make yourself sound more accomplished than you are.  Employers know that no one is perfect, and they don’t expect you to be.  But what interviewers want to hear is that you are honest.   Hiring managers can easily tell when you are stretching the truth.  When asked about things such as a gap in your resume or why you left a job, be straightforward.  The ability to be genuine and sincere under any circumstances is one of the characteristics interviewers look for.  Show what you learned from the experience, and do your best to quell any concerns the potential employer may have.

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

What Interviewers Want to Hear from Job Candidates
Article Name:
What Interviewers Want to Hear from Job Candidates
In a job interview, you need to know the specific characteristics interviewers look for, and be sure that you demonstrate them clearly to hiring managers. You never know who else is vying for the job, and you want to make the most of the one interview you have. Here’s what interviewers want to hear.
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