Retirement Pays: Top 5 Part Time Jobs for Retirees in 2017

part time jobs for retireesMost of us work hard our whole lives and try to save up as much money as we can so we can relax and enjoy our retirement.  But as years pass, many people become passionate about their jobs and careers, and when retirement comes, find that they lack a sense of purpose.  Not only that, expenses and opportunities come up that may cost retired seniors more money than their retirement income can cover.   Luckily, there are many part time jobs available for retired seniors to supplement their income.  Here are some of the most popular part time jobs for retirees in 2017:

1)  Teaching or Tutoring

Throughout your career, it’s likely your years of experience and education gave you a lot of knowledge on certain subjects.  One of the most popular part time jobs for retirees is teaching a class at a local university, high school or arts center.  In these jobs retired seniors can choose to volunteer, or earn a part time salary.  You also have the option of tutoring young people for a generous hourly wage.  Many retired seniors find spending time with young people to be invigorating, and it brings them back to their younger selves.

Tutoring jobs in New York City, NY

Tutoring jobs in Dallas, TX

2)  Customer Service

For retirees looking for jobs that are flexible with hours and can be done from anywhere, customer service is an excellent option.  Furthermore, many companies like hiring retired seniors for customer service jobs because the wisdom and experience they have accumulated through the years make them more helpful to customers.  There are plenty of part time customer service jobs for retirees at large companies such as Amazon and Home Depot, and you can also be an independent contractor through call center services companies such as LiveOps and Alpine Access.

Customer service jobs in New York City, NY

Customer service jobs in Dallas, TX

3)  Bookkeeping

There are many companies that have a need for accounting and bookkeeping, but don’t have the funds or workload necessary to hire someone full time.  For retired seniors that are good with numbers, there are many part time bookkeeping jobs out there that they can perform periodically when their schedule allows, and bring in some extra income that will allow them to enjoy their retirement more.

Bookkeeping jobs in New York City, NY

Bookkeeping jobs in Dallas, TX

4)  Consulting

For retired seniors that miss the fulfillment their full time jobs brought to them, but don’t miss the heavy pressure and long hours that came with the job, it’s possible you can still work in your field of expertise in a much smaller capacity.  Get in touch with companies you worked at in the past and see if they have part time consulting jobs for retirees.  Also let family, friends and professional colleagues know you are looking for consulting work.  You can find freelance consulting jobs online as well, through websites such as Craigslist, Upwork and Freelancer.

Consulting jobs in New York City, NY

Consulting jobs in Dallas, TX

5)  Tour Guide

What could be a better way to enjoy your retirement while also making some extra cash than being a tour guide for one of your favorite establishments or cities?   There are plenty of part time and seasonal tour guide jobs for retirees available at museums, amusement parks, historical sites and government agencies.  If it’s a place that you love, chances are you have visited it through the years and developed a lot of knowledge that would be very interesting to tourists.

Tour guide jobs in New York City, NY

Tour guide jobs in Dallas, TX

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

Retirement Pays: Top 5 Part Time Jobs for Retirees in 2017
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Retirement Pays: Top 5 Part Time Jobs for Retirees in 2017
Here are some of the most popular part time jobs for retirees in 2017: 1) Teaching or Tutoring 2) Customer Service 3) Bookkeeping 4) Consulting 5) Tour Guide…
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