7 Spectacular Reasons for Promoting Fitness in the Workplace

promoting fitness in the workplaceWorkplace wellness programs have become widely popular among businesses in America.  This is because physical fitness offers numerous benefits, and when promoted in the workplace those benefits are gained by a company’s employees.  Promoting physical fitness in the workplace helps reduces employee turnover, expand employees’ interest in the company and their job, and improve employee productivity.  Here are some of the top benefits employers will receive from promoting physical fitness in the workplace:

1)  Lowers Stress

Exercise produces endorphins, which produces a natural high and helps improve sleeping patterns.  A less stressed employee is less likely to experience health problems, and more likely to be productive.

2)  Higher Self-Esteem

Completing a workout gives an individual a sense of accomplishment, and higher sense of self-worth.  If you can run a couple of miles beforehand, it’s amazing how much easier the tasks that come your way the rest of the day seem to be.  Promoting physical fitness in the workplace will produce more confident employees, who in turn will be more productive, and also have more courage to take on challenging assignments.

3)  Reduce Employee Absenteeism

Fit employees are less likely to become physically, as well as mentally, sick.  Fitness improves your immune system, as well as your mood, so promoting fitness in the workplace is likely to reduce employee absences, and allow them to be more engaged on the job since they will be feeling better in general.

4)  Teaches Employees to Set and Achieve Goals

A big part of physical fitness is setting goals and reaching them, and always looking to improve your level of fitness.  By implementing workplace wellness programs and promoting physical fitness, you will be giving employees the chance to learn this valuable skill, which will carry over into their work.   The more practice employees have in setting and achieving goals, the easier and more natural it will become for them.

5)  More Job Satisfaction

A fit employee is likely to be more well-adjusted, mentally serene, emotionally stable and energetic.  So promoting fitness in the workplace alone makes your employees more likely to appreciate their jobs and remain with your company longer.  Furthermore, having an on-site fitness center and/or fitness classes can be an attractive perk that can make many employees’ lives more fruitful and convenient, therefore reducing employee turnover.

6)  Bring More Fun to the Workplace

As part of their workplace wellness programs, many companies arrange group sporting events that employees can sign up for, such as road races, bike rides or intramural baseball leagues.  Activities such as these build camaraderie among employees, encourage a work hard/play hard culture, and enhance teamwork skills among your staff.

7)  Reduce healthcare costs

While you will have to invest some money if you choose to implement a workplace wellness program, the healthier employees you get as a result will greatly reduce your overall health insurance costs.  Promoting physical fitness in the workplace means lower healthcare costs for your employees as well, since they will likely be going to the doctor less, have less inconvenient injuries to deal with, and less medications to take.

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

7 Spectacular Reasons for Promoting Fitness in the Workplace
Article Name:
7 Spectacular Reasons for Promoting Fitness in the Workplace
Implementing workplace wellness programs and promoting physical fitness in the workplace helps reduces employee turnover, expand employees’ interest in the company and their job, and improve employee productivity. Here are some of the top benefits employers will receive from promoting physical fitness in the workplace.
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Employment Alert
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